Friday, March 3, 2017

Faerie Tales Can Come True

Once upon a dream...:

I am respectful of the energy that flows through me and around me, my gratitude overflows for this source of love. -Jasmeine Moonsong:

woodland fairy birthday theme:

The enchanted forest, from Swedish folklore photographer Photographer Vilja Lingonren. She says "Gnomes and trolls top my list of favorite creatures. Small, but powerful. Ingenious little beings that make life more interesting. They make the woods more living and mystic. They know every rock and tree, and when you don't see them - they always see you." Model Hanna Andersson.:



A dreamer and storyteller:

Photo inspiration ! Tree swing ! Whimsical / enchanted:

faeries sleeping by gingerlillytea, via Flickr:

Spirit of the woods • photo: Angie Latham on Redbubble:

At the Lagoon:



Magical Forest by on @deviantART:

"I prefer the company of happy people who are believers in magic -- and of magical people who are believers in happy.":

1000+ images about Mysterious Forest on Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. This gives me chills and thrills.

    Tears came to my eyes, and threatened to prove me right.

    Oh how I adore this.

    I heard an unwavering vow rise up from my depths

    of making this happen even to my death.


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